Monday, December 15, 2014

Firstly I want to warmly welcome you here. You likely found my site purely out of curiosity. I want to share with you a lustrious, perfect fruit that glows with truth and divine principle.

My name is Scott and I feel a deep desire to reveal you my testimony about someone who forever changed my life in my very early years of adolescense. It took my surprise to be completely fair. But let's follow this journey sequentially.

High School was hard, as I knew I was going to be saying goodbye to many people I devoted years to studying with after my Senior year (I felt as though everyone in Timpanogos High School were family and I loved them). My life would change, and I had no clue what to do or where to begin.

I found myself gravitating towards scripture (The Bible, and our book which I can tell you about here, and seminary school). I was looking for answers, but seemed to bumble and loose my sense of spiritual and financial direction.

To be honest, I really wasn't the best Christian, in that I was not always active. Many times church callings and activities were beyond my interest. I was quite self-centered really and it reflected clearly when life was in my own hands.

The only thing that brought me comfort was endorphins rushes and sleeping off a good workout. Of course I messed up here too and received a fracture in my spine from weight lifting. This happened after I graduated High School.

Let's back up before I share with you my love of God. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Why am I here on Earth?
  • Does the world truly satisfy my needs, wants, desires?
  • Have you ever felt a longing for friendship, companionship, and truth?